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Client Case Study

The Regent Centre, Christchurch

Options Appraisal and Feasibility Study

BJA conducted an options appraisal and feasibility study for this 485 seat 1930s art deco arts centre, which provides a diverse live theatre, cinema, and satellite broadcasts programme. 


As a part of the study BJA:

  • Provided a comparator, competitor and related market research report.

  • Developed the strategy for how the Regent Centre can maximise the commercial potential from what they currently do without capital investment, including a new operating model. This strategy included the financials (income and expenditure) and clear recommendations.

  • Reviewed a wide range of potential capital investment options for the possible use of space in addition to developing a series of recommendations as to how the space can be best utilised. These suggestions included the financials and the main assumptions behind each recommended option. The focus was on the options which: achieve the best possible customer experience and service; enhance the offer; are the most financially sustainable, including servicing a loan; and are most likely to attract external investment.


The study was written to provide support to external funding bids.

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